Can't wait for this Friday....

Feb 05, 2004 00:41

I gotta start updating this fucker more often. Ah man where to start. The last couple days have been fun and frustrating at the same time. The fun part started last friday at Bennaggins. Gabe, Arturo, Adam, and myself drank up a storm all night there. From black and tans to kamakazi shots. We left there wasted with me paying a $200 tab. The following day was the Jamoboozie which is always fun to go every year. Everything went great. The booze, the music but especially the women. Oh my god i'd never seen so many fine women in one place (except in Cancun but that's another story). I got so wasted that night that I was fooling around with a married woman. Things were going great till her husband showed up and took her away. Oh well. Later on we ended up at Escarabajo's to check out TRINITY but we got there like 30 minutes late. But what made the night sweeter was that this young woman who i've had my eye on was there. We ended up talking the night away before I had to leave so unexpectactly cause this other friend of mine wanted to leave. He just wanted to leave cause all the ladies weren't talking to him. Well, the following day was the Super Bowl and I had the biggest hangover i've had in a while. Not cause I overdid it (yeah it was). But when I drink more than one brand of beer. I get this huge headache the next day. Anyways the game was great and halftime controversy was decent. I ended up going to the show that night and I notice the show was dead. I kinda knew that was going to happend. Cause I mean a lot of good activities were happening all weekend long and a show at Sal's was probably last on everybody's list. But what made my night was that my lady friend showed up and made the whole night worth it.

To the frustrating part. I went to work on Monday and the new company that bought the hospital took away our advance computer systems. They replaced it with prehistoric programs that make Atari look advanced. To give you and idea of what it looks like. If you've ever seen the early Strong Bad e-mails. Look at this computer screen and there you have it. This shit drove me nuts from the start. I couldn't take care of buisness like I usually do. The patients information was being lost, I couldn't find the history nor the patients files. It was fucking ridiculous. I was yelling all over the place and a lot of my supervisors noticed that I was fucking pissed. What would take me 5 minutes to finish a job. Now takes me 20. So i'm always backed up and flooded with work and that shit drives me crazy. I can't work in those conditions and I will never get use to it. I want someone to send me a virus at the hospital so I can bring them all down.

The only thing keeping me going all week is my annual Boogie Bash (Damn I sound so full of myself). This year it's the 7th annual and I hope things go smooth. So far everyone had confirmed and only one band has cancelled. Everything seems to be going well. I can't wait to see all my friends again and have a good time all weekend long. Well i'm out. I've been up since 6am and i've only slept 2 hours. I don't even know what time it is anymore.
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