Sep 13, 2008 11:06
в британском tatler увлекательная статья о том, уместно ли в 21 веке в приличном обществе употреблять слово toilet
For so many years this word has been the shibboleth of taste and polite correctness. It was a beacon of snobbery, dividing the snobbish from the very snobbish.
Tatler can declare that the final frontier of U and non-U (not upper class) has at last been breached. The younger generation no longer flinches with horror at the use of this Frenchified and faux-sophisticated word.
For too long Britain has been subject to a frenzy of word displacement where body parts or body functions were involved. Anything but the T-word!
Loo, WC, lavatory, john, bog, bathroom, powder-room, ladies, gents, Pearl and Dean, even the maddening 'smallest room in the house'
только почему pearl and dean? - непонятно