Title: Dear Lee Hyukjae
Lenght: Oneshot
Pairing: Eunhae/Haehyuk
Rating: G
Summary: Donghae doesn't know how to express his feeling to Eunhyuk, so he writes a letter.
Warnings: It's unbeated. English is not my first language so feel free to tell me if there's any mistake
Dear Lee Hyukjae,
I have to part to China in a few days, and it’s really hard for me to express myself, so I decided to write it here and hope you feel the same.
What I have to say is that….I like you, I like you with everything I have. It’s more, I don’t only like you. I love you. I love you so much it even hurts. It hurts when I see you hugging other persons, because I want your hugs only for me. I feel jealous when you smile at others, because I want to be the only one you smile for.
I know it might sound selfish, but that’s the way I feel and I can’t hide my feelings anymore. I tried to, but I failed. Because I thought that if I wasn’t near you, this feeling wouldn’t grow. I thought that if I didn’t talk to you I wouldn’t have the urge to kiss you.
It didn’t work. You noticed I was being distant to you and tried t approach me, but I didn’t let you.
You cried because of that. I remember it because I heard while you were talking to Leeteuk-hyung. I felt like shit for making you cry. In order to stop your tears, I started talking to you again. I didn’t care for that feeling anymore. If it happened to grow I was going to restrain myself, that way you wouldn’t be hurt again.
The first thing you did after a long time of silence was hugging me. Hugging me and telling me you were really happy that I wasn’t mad at you. That time my heart beated so fast I thought it was going to explode. That time I realized the feeling I was trying to hide was already there. I already loved you, I just didn’t want to realize it. You didn’t ask for explanations, just some words of affection to know that everything was okay between us.
I know I might seem as a coward who can’t say it face to face because he is afraid of rejection. But perhaps that's exactly what I am. I’m afraid that someone as beautiful and cheerful as you wouldn’t like someone as cold and normal as me.
I know I’m a cold person. I know I’m not as wonderful as you are, but if you feel the same way, let me know and I’ll try to express my love for you every time I can. I promise I’ll be there when ever you need me. I promise I’ll never let you feel lonely. I promise I’ll be for you, and only for you, the best boyfriend you’ll ever have.
But if I ever fail to do so, and I start falling to a dark place, help me. Help me with all the sunshine you spread, because you’re like the sun that came to melt my frozen heart.
With that I am finished. I must say I feel relieved and I’m not afraid of rejection anymore, because at least you now know how I feel. I just hope that if you don’t love me back we can stay like the best friend we heve always been.
The one that will always love you,
Lee Donghae.
A/N: I wrote this trying to get out of my writer block. I haven't ...or at least i still can't write "I love You" next chapter. DD:
Well, enjoy. Comments are always loved♥.