I Love You Chapter 1

Sep 13, 2009 17:08

Title: I love You!
Autor: boogie14
Pairing: Haehyuk , one sided Hyukmin
Discleimer: I don't own the anything...except for the story! :D
Summary: Donghae told Eunhyuk he loves him. And that he'll definitely make him fall in love with him. What will Eunhyuk reply? Is he even sure about his feelings towards Donghae?
Chapters: 1/??


I need to talk to someone.It can't be my bestfriend, becouse he's the reason i need someone to talk, and I'm definitely not going to risk myself to have another kiss stolen from him. So Hae isn't a good option. I could talk to Teuk-hyung, he's always there when i need him and undestands people pretty well.....but nowadays he's too busy with Kangin-hyung. So....I guess I'm going to call Min-hyung. Yes! that's what i'm going to do!

-"Hello? Could I speak with Sungmin?"  I said that bit too fast.I'm nervous. if i have to wait i'm going to get crazy!

-"It's him. Who am I speaking to??"  God! thank you!!

-"Min-hyung! It's me, Hyukjae"

-"Eunhyukie! How are you? You sound a bit anxious, are you okay?"

-"Uh..yeah!...well...not....not really. Do you think you can come over to my house?? Like...now?"

-"Yeah, sure, whatever for my best buddy."

-"Thanks hyung"

*hangs up*

I knew i could trust Sungmin-hyung. He's one of my best friends, and even though he's , sometimes, a little bit stubborn, he's always there for me. I'm really glad i have friends like him! :D.

*Knock Knock*

I opened the door. There he was, with his pink bag and......a pillow?

-"I don't remember inviting you to sleep over"

-"Well, it's pretty late, and you wouldn't like you're friend to walk alone at night, right?  Also, i'm pretty sure you did want me to sleep here"

-"You're never going to learn how to ask first, right?

We went upstairs, to my room. And, as soon as Sungmin-hyung finished settle down his things, i started speaking. I told him everething, how Hae confesed to me and said he love me and how i didn't knew anything anymore.

-"So, what do you think hyung?"

He didn't answer.

-"Hey! Hyung!"  No response. "Lee Sungmin!  are you even listening to me??" i smacked him on the arm.

-"Ouch!! Yes, Yes, you said that you made Donghae gay, that he confesed to you and that you were so stupid you couldn't answer anything. And that you don't know anything anymore!"

-"Oh...so you did hear."

-"Well, yeah!! ................so?"

-"So what?"

-"What are you going to do? I mean do you like him back?"

-"Me?....Like Donghae??  Pshh!! Of course Not!..!"  That's not true....I'm not even sure myself.

-"...well, actually......i don't know.....I'm not gay or anything! I like boobs!!"

Yes! That's right! i like boobs! I'm not gay or anything. I'm not gay! .....that mean I don't like Donghae! that's right. I don't! I don't!

-"But...do you like him??"

I 'm not gay, i don't like him! i don't! i don't! i don't! ...but what if...

-" GAAAAHH!! i don't know!! Everything was so perfect! Why the hell did he had to kiss meee???

-"Wait,  Donghae kissed you??"  Sungmin looked slightly pissed at this.

-"Uh....yes, I thought i told you."

-"Well you didn’t “ Perhaps it’s because i didn’t told him.

-“Uh....well....you see...” I blushed remembering how Donghae pressed his lips against mines.

-“Hyuk! You’re blushing!”


-“You are! Then....the answer is pretty obvious.”


-“Aish! If you can’t realise yourself, the i’m not going to tell you.”

-“What are you talking about? ... I don’t understand!!”

-“Nothing Hyuk. It’s pretty late now and we have school tomorrow. Let’s just go to sleep.”

-“What? ..but you haven’t explained it to me!”

-“Just go to sleep Hyuk.”



-“Sungmin-hyung... are you still awake?


-“Thanks for listening to me, i feel better now.”

-“You’re welcome.”

They went back to sleep. Both of them hugging each other. They’ve sleep like that since they were children, so it didn’t feel weird or anything.

*Beep-Beep**Beeep-Beep*”Wake up! Wake up! It’s 7:00 a.m”

The alarm clock started “beeping”.  Eunhyuk opened his eyes and saw how close his face was from Sungmin’s.  Suddenly his room’s door opened.

-“Eunhyuuukiiee!! Good morning, want to walk to school toget-“ And there he was. Donghae have just opened the door of Eunhyuk’s room just to see him , really comfortable, hugging Sungmin and their faces inches away.

-“H-Hae!!” Eunhyuk rapidly stood up.

-“Ñam...Hyukie! Give me five more minutes...” Sungmin approached Eunhyuk even more and placed his hand on the
dancer’s butt.

-“Ah...ha...Min-hyung...i think it’s better you move your hand...”

Oh God! Now..they really are in serious trouble. Hae didn’t look much happier.

**Beep-Beep**Beeep-Beep*”Wake up! Wake up!*

A/N: So..here's chapter 1 ...I hope everyone like it, i was kind of worried i wouldn't reach peoples expectatives...
So ...yeah..i've decided that Minnie's going to play an important part on the fic...you decide if it's good or bad.
I started writing this yesterday night ..and ideas just keep flowing, so this chapter is longer, i didn't even knew i could write this much! :DD

well...as i said ..i hope you like it! and enjoy! ♥♥♥
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