Character Information
Canon Source: Samurai Champloo
Canon Format: 26 episode anime
Character's Name: Mugen (no surname given)
Character's Age: 19
Conditional: If your character is 13 years of age or under, please clarify how they will be played. n/a
What form will your character's NV take? Mugen will have a child's type of cell phone in bright red. It will have four buttons, one for each function, and a scrolling type button in the center for navigation. The buttons will have symbols rather than writing, and the interfaces will have emoticons and symbols rather than writing to accommodate Mugen's illiteracy.
Character's Canon Abilities: A mish-mash style combining capoeira, wushu, swordfighting, and lots of erratic improvisation - lots of flailing legs while kicking ass and taking names. He has the ability to take ridiculous amounts of damage and kind of die a little bit without actually dying (his consciousness travels to the afterlife, he tells them it's not his time, and he gets sent back - every time this happens, he seems to be a bit less worse for the wear than he was before the trip to the afterlife...and it's happened three times in his life)
Conditional: If your character has no superhuman canon abilities, what dormant ability will you give them? Since Mugen's abilities couldn't really be considered superhuman so much as ridiculously stubborn, I've opted to give him the ability to mimic other people's abilities. He would be able to replicate (though not with the same amount of skill) any ability he witnessed or was used on him. He could only use one mimicked ability at a time, and the ability would only last for an hour. He would have to consciously engage his own ability in order to mimic another character's ability - he wouldn't just soak in the abilities of everyone around him without trying. If he took in too many abilities over too short a time, he'd end up tired out and mentally drained, and rapidly lose what coherency he has.
Weapons: Mugen will arrive in Siren's Port carrying his
sword and sheath with strap and a pair of heavy wooden geta with metal lining on the bottoms, used for bludgeoning kicks and blocking weapons.
Character History:
Note: Samurai Champloo is set in Edo-era Japan, but it is highly anachronistic in various ways, including references to beatboxing, breakdancing, hip hop clothing style, and graffiti, and doesn't follow history exactly, as noted in the first episode. Some characters wear anachronistic clothing such as sunglasses or old Japanese garb that has stripes resembling a track suit, have dyed blonde hair, or piercings that wouldn't have been common in Edo-era Japan. There are various items that are anachronistic in various ways as well, such as an improvised spraypaint can, or a 'police' litter decked out with red lanterns and signs. One minor character even does a sort of rap soliloquy while his friend beatboxes into the hilt of a sword in the background. No date is ever specified in the series, though suggestions by the creator and fan speculation say that the series may be set at some point between 1650 and 1690.
Mugen was born on an unknown date in a penal colony in the Ryukyu Islands. He doesn't know who his parents were, and doesn't seem to care to, though he managed, at least, to be cared for until he was old enough to take care of himself. It seems somewhat likely that he may have either been born to or raised by Ainu people - at one point in the series Mugen is talking to an Ainu man and says that the song he's playing is familiar, even though they come from different places. Mugen frequently refers to the place he grew up in as hellish - the colony was full of criminals and mercenaries and pirates, the kind of rough people that wouldn't hesitate to hurt women and children if it seemed like a good idea at the time. Mugen's childhood was probably dangerous, and difficult. He survived it though, and likely started picking up fighting at an early age - his entire fighting style is a mixed-bag of different styles picked up from any number of places and which seems to be based on breakdancing, wushu, and capoeira. Not much is known about his early childhood other than the fact that he, at some point, made friends with a girl named Kohza who was a few years younger than him, and her 'brother' Mukuro, who killed Kohza's mother and who was disliked by both Mugen and Kohza. Like nearly anyone born into such a situation would, these three wanted to leave the penal colony and find a better life - and when Mugen was a younger teen, the chance arose.
Despite his dislike of Mukuro, Mugen's desire to get away from the island resulted in him agreeing to help the other young man to hijack a ship carrying raw sugar. The plan ended up, however, with Mugen being double-crossed; the other two escape, leaving Mugen to take the brunt of the piracy charge. He is due to be executed, and Mugen proclaims that he doesn't care about going to hell, because he feels like he's already there, the only thing that bothers him is being sent there by the Shogun's men, and so he jumps backward off the high cliff and into the ocean. It's likely that this is when he had his first brush with death.
At some point after this, Mugen was able to leave the island on his own, making his way to Japan. Virtually nothing is known about his history between the first double-crossing by Kohza and Mukuro and the point at which the series starts.
Further information on Mugen's history within the context of the series as well as more details on some of the incidents with Kohza and Mukuro can be found at
this comprehensive episode guide. Point in Canon:
During episode 25, as Mugen is on his way to the island to rescue Fuu, just after the fight he has with one of the brothers in the boat and soon as he kills the brother, he will be yanked to Siren's Port - therefore he will arrive with three serious puncture wounds through his left hand, and three deep gashes on his right cheek
Conditional: Brief summary of previous RP history: n/a
Character Personality: Mugen is very rough around the edges - he's crude, obnoxious, offensive, loud, and cusses a lot. He picks his nose and digs in his ears with his fingers. He hits on a lot of women. He steals food, mugs people, has a severe lack of respect for authority, gets a lot of satisfaction out of property damage, and likes slashing and stabbing things (preferably people) with his sword. He's barely literate, he doesn't give a shit what people think about him, and he doesn't like to bathe that much. Mugen's goal in life is a good fight, and he doesn't just wait for the fight to come to him - no, he picks fights with anyone he thinks might be talented enough to whup him. And when it comes to fighting, you've gotta be pretty damn talented to whup him.
Altogether, Mugen is a smart-mouthed street-smart fighter. He don't take no shit from no man (or woman, or child - trufax, he's fought several women who were good opponents and once shoved a bratty kid who asked for his sword!) and speaks his mind without restraint. He kills without even the slightest hint of remorse except on the very, very rare occasion. He tends to rebel against authority on principle, and has expressed straight out that if you tell him to do something, authority figure or not, he's inclined to do the exact opposite just to piss you off. Near the start of the series, and all through the series, he's said he doesn't work for anyone, he's a lone wolf, and he doesn't like answering to or being responsible for other people. His fighting style is just as erratic as his personality, and he usually acts on instinct, whether it's in an interpersonal interaction or in battle. He's rough and tough, and can take a hell of a beating, and that's exactly how he likes it - he's not inclined to change.
On the other hand, Mugen does have moments of softness, however gruffly he expresses it, and he grows a great deal as a character throughout the series. Near the start of the series he genuinely couldn't care less about anyone but himself, which makes perfect sense considering his loveless childhood and his history of being betrayed a whole lot, but after traveling with Jin and Fuu and going through all the rough stuff he does with them, he starts to develop some connections. A few episodes into the series, he's actually expressing some level of concern about them - at least enough to rescue Fuu even when letting her die would be a little more to his advantage, or fighting back-to-back with his rival Jin. It could be argued that he just wants to fight, and that's probably a good half of his motivation, but as the series goes on, it becomes increasingly clear that, while he remains rude, closed-off, and grouchy to his companions, he would do a whole hell of a lot for them. This is demonstrated by the way he jumps into battle to take over for Jin when Jin wants to rescue a woman he's grown close with, or how he takes on a difficult and arduous journey carrying some dead guy's head to some other guy a good distance away and getting back by sunset in order to keep Jin and Fuu from being executed - that particular situation, it would definitely have been easier to abandon them and run off on his own. By the end of the series, he has become a lot more moody rather than just abrasive and rude, showing some signs of depth and the occasional moment of deep insight (though not very common, still) and a lot of concern for his companions. When he thinks Jin is dead, he goes looking for the man, even using his sword to dredge the river Jin apparently died in looking for his body, and consistently expresses concern for him by telling him he'd best not die before Mugen has a chance to kill him. When Fuu is kidnapped and threatened with death by brothers that have a grudge against Mugen, he goes after her and enters a difficult fight after throwing down his sword so they'll let her go. Even in these situations, he's gruff, never really telling Jin he's concerned for him, telling Fuu to run in a gruff and almost angry matter when she's released, but his concern is obvious through his actions. Of course, it took Jin and Fuu a good deal patience to get to this point with him, but it happened, and the bonds were deep - by the end of the series, Mugen told Jin that, even though he usually wants to kill someone who's just as strong or stronger than him, he didn't want to kill Jin, and didn't protest when Jin called him a friend. Though they parted at the end of the series, all three fully intended to meet again.
Conditional: Personality development in previous game: n/a
Character Plans: Mugen will be extremely out of place in a setting like Siren's Port, since he's unaccustomed to technology of any sort and the entire culture will be a shock for him. He'll adjust relatively quickly, since he's a fast learner, but this will be an ongoing problem for him. Discovering this new setting will be very interesting to play out, especially since he's not accustomed to monsters and other supernatural things where he comes from - despite there being ghost stories, he's generally ended up finding out they were just real life things. He will likely become a bounty hunter relatively quickly, though he'll probably make mistakes and kill the wrong people...probably ending up with a bounty on his own head as is usual for him. Finally, I would really like to explore the idea of Mugen learning to read properly - he's barely literate, though he has had some minor training in learning old Japanese.
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