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Jan 16, 2005 11:58

thrusday jan.13
yeahhh first day of finals. took my journalism final and aced that mother fucker.. LOL & plus it was the last day of journalism! ): which makes me very sad. im thinking of taking tv production! then there was the science final which wasnt as bad as i thought. ahhhh science is over. thank god coz i hated that class! yeee hee :D

friday jan. 14
well then .. last minutes plan are always the best right? called didi up nd asked if BIANCA &i can come over after school.. and then i had my spanish orals today.. UGHHHH im pissed coz i got a really bad grade. wth. my spanish skills are not as bad compared to the people who got a better grade than me .. get what im saying? lol ohh & during spanish didi called me! hahh. its ok i didnt get caught tho. ooh yeahh last day of religion class too! ): i effing loved that class! you suck if you get mrs.gee next semester for sacraments! so after schoool wass great! :D BIANCA &i left and went to the cantaloupe.. EFFING FUN(: lol we got to hang out with ANITSER for a bit. i effffing love her!we watched some movies like princess diaries 2. LOL.. at around 4 walked to the bball game at SG. la salle had very nice black guys in there team! hahah duddde we kept taking pictures of them. JANELLE SANTANA was there too ! that was cooool [8 when the game ended went to lollicup. played disney uno at didi`s. muy fun !

saturday jan. 15
did a lot of cleaning .. did some studying for finals kinda. went to burbank!!! my favorite city so shuttup [= went to lowe`s, target greatland & best buy. YAY i finally bought the OC season one dvd. i wanted the napoleon dynamite dvd but i couldnt find it.. and then went to visit my cousins KATERINE &IAN .. ohh theyre so adorable i love them <3 went home and thought i could watch the whole seven dvds that night. HAHH yeahh right! i love my parents for getting it for me (:

sunday jan. 16
woke up to early just to go to church. it was crowded so my BROTHER &i sat in the back of the church. made a new friend! hehh ok. went to island pacific and bought stuff. now im at home & my tita is here from the bay area. errr. my parents are leaving at 2 to the airport coz theyre leaving to the philippines for two weeks. soo my tita is gonna take care of us till febuary 2. its gonna be fun coz on the weekends we get to go up to her house! soo that`s coool [8. but im gonna miss them. mkay then .. i`m gonna edit this later ./// cousins came over. chris& i went to rite aid to buy stuff. the randomest people came up to us too. she sed i had nice earrings like she wanted to "cop me" or sumthing. same with chris .. they liked his shoes. LOL huatever. bought some ice-cream ! then the parents went to the airport. hope there flight goes safely (: chelsea sed she`s gonna buy me a USC hat! yayy but i want to go to usc tomorrow with them ! roar but i have finals to study for .. o well adios

- - hoanne pantalones
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