Oct 04, 2004 03:25
Wow, it's been a long time since I last posted. So much has changed. A couple months ago, I was going to be moving out into an apartment, but then I got into an accident. No one got hurt....except my car. All in all, it ended up being my fault....and on top of it, I was on my way to get a raise at work, and my mom calls me and tells me that she changed the insurance from liability to full coverage. Without telling me!!! Oh well, I can't be mad, I wasn't paying for the insurance. That accident was life-changing...but if you think of it this way, every single event in your life is life-changing. Total butterfly affect. Anyways, I realized that I didn't even have any money to fix my car or even get a new car right at that exact moment... how was I gonna get by with a little thing like this when I'm living paycheck to paycheck living on my own. So I'm back at home....
I fucken hated living on campus at CLU. So before I left, I opted out of on campus housing because I was planning on living in an Apt. I tried to see if I could get back on campus, but they told me that there were 16 other guys waiting for room. To go along with this, I also had to take off 4 weeks for managerial classes for In N Out, and they just so happened to my 2 day a week schedule for all 4 weeks. Totaled, that would be missing 8 days of each class. My business teacher told me that she never had a student miss 3 days and pass the class. You guessed it, I took this semester off. So next semester I plan on being back on campus and back to sharing a dorm with 3 other guys. (as much as you think I liked sharing a room with another guy....I really HATED it).
At least there are some upsides to my life update. I'm going to be an In n out manager, which means I accomplished one of my long term goals in my last journal. Because I'm living at home now and not paying any rent (and also 'cause I make more money)... I'm gonna be getting a new car. Thank god, because I've been driving my grandpa's ol' 1990 Ford Aerostar, Champagne colored eye soar, GAS HOG of a van 45 min to work and 45 min back, 6 days a week. So I'm super excited to be driving a Honda Civic. I haven't gotten one yet, but my next journal is definitely going to have an update on the outcome.
So now that I totally bored you with all this stupid update, you can thank Jon for suggesting I should right an entry. Hehe, j/k Jon... I know it was time, thx for reminding me I still had a Livejournal ;) Peace out chya'll!