(no subject)

Feb 21, 2006 16:56

So all I ever do is talk about myself on here.

Something nice. Something true.

Amy Pullen: Your clothes are so cute ahh. You never compromise who you are. Thanks for bein my bffeeee. You know that I love you fksdla;jfsl;dajfklsdaj;fjklsd;ajfksd;al that much. And you and I laugh at the same shit. So thanks. For uh, laughing with me. P.S. Our picture aim sessions are fun. And sad. But fun.

Hannah Bodin: You are so friggen dependable. I swear. Driven determined and just a wonderful person. Thanks for keeping me in line, and being kind. Geez I love you.

Jennifer Reeves: You're so pretty. Jesus Crist. I can say that now that I'm a unitarian. And uh before, then too. You're my spanish buddy and girly confidant. Thanks for spazzing out with me like a stupid middle schooler. You're cool. I think you know what I mean by that. I'd say it but its against the code. (you know, the "a" word)

Betsy Howard- You are so fun and free and wonderful. I know that you know that you're hilarious. But you're a lot more than that. You're someone everyone enjoys being around.

Robin Helser: Dosen't have this but I know she stalks us silently. I feel so comfortable with you. You just let me be myself. And you are great at that thing where you come up from behind and roar. You have good taste in jewelry. And you rock at art. Diddo to hannah. ^^^ I LOVE YOU.

Tonya Dees: You're interesting. And nice. And abstract. You have the prettiest eyes. Come stay with me. Really. Sorry I didnt comment you back by the way, I need to get on that. But mi casa es su casa.

Jessica Godwin: Sooooooooooo relatable. And comfortable. You are so easy to like. Its amazing. Really, I admire you're kindness. And your funability.

Yoooooonie: Haha I know you're still on my friends list so you'll probably read this. Even though I haven't talked to you in like ninety years. But you are really interesting. And a great dancer. You share my love of college obsession. And I really liked the cd you sent me.

Keeeeelly Watsoon: Te quiero. I think you are more like sunshine than actual sunshine. Your giggle is adorable and I love your hugs. You give some good ones. I love you.

Randall: You're a nice guy Randall. I really admire that. I think when you dressed up as dracula for green dragon it was pretty hilarious. I miss you at "ol Auburn. Take care of yourself.
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