Holywood babies in 20 yearsLink 2.0:
I heart South ParkLink, pt. 3:
Darth Vader is a Hello Kitty fan MP3:
Dylan does Beatles: YesterdayMP3 2.0:
Elliot Smith does Beatles: BecauseMP3, pt. 3:
Raconteurs do Gnarls: Crazy Video:
MC Hammer was in Star WarsVideo 2.0:
James Blunt parody: My CubicleVideo, pt. 3:
Rob Cordry: This Week in God - Now with religious violence for kids!
Children Arrested, jailed, DNA test for playing in a tree - Zero Tolerance is a dangerous thing.
News 2.0:
Cheyenne Mountain shutting downNews, pt. 3:
Big Dig firm calling bullshit on warning - I don't know how I feel about this.
Have you ever wished that you could send a message to someone in Sam Jackson's voice? Well now you can!
Snakes... on a mothafucking plane. What's better? It doesn't need to be just internet. You can send it via the PHONE!