May 20, 2005 13:30
so yes. being out of school is grand. i start my job on monday, and then i take a course in june... i'm mucho excited. still getting to be a lifeguard after all makes me feelpretty stoked. hanging out at the beach as of late has been a good time. i got taken out for a graduation dinner w. kevin. if only he's cut thatmullet.... but he's cool. i <3 shrimp. people that are alergic to them are missing out/suck. haha. joking. only i'm not. that tgibobby guy from TGIFridays reserved me a ticket at the red jumpsuit show but i didn't go. what did i end up doing instead? ahem. well.. i had fun. i type so improper. aintitfuntoread? aka, no one read this.