fun stuff from K.Bo

Jan 30, 2004 23:59

1.EXOTIC FOREIGNER ALIAS=favorite spice+last (or hopeful) foreign vacation spot
Oregano London

2.SOCIALITE ALIAS=silliest childhood nickname+town where you first partied
Annie Selinsgrove

3. FLY GIRL ALIAS(a la J. Lo.)first inital+first 2 or 3 letters of your last name
A.Bo (and someone actually calls me this!)

4.ROCK STAR ALIAS=any liquid on the bar+last name of bad ass celebrity
Midori Thorton

5.DIVA ALIAS=something sweet within site+any liquid in kitchen
Peach Soda

6.GIRL DETECTIVE ALIAS= favorite baby animal+where you last went to school
Puppy Susquehanna

7.BARFLY ALIAS=Last snack food you ate+ your favorite drink
Pretzel Daquiri

8.SOAP OPERA ALIAS=middle name+first street where you lived
Ann Lincoln


So that was my fun for the night....along with the scary witch face. This is true sisterhood; I let divasingingcari do this to me for an independent study (and i'd better get to keep the nose!)
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