AnOtHeR dAy..

Oct 25, 2004 16:36

HeY well today it was i guess you can call it "FUN" i did really good on my social studies test ((thanks danny ))woot woot i felt naked today durning lunch because i didnt have my phone .. in PE our teacher wasnt there so we took all the chalk that was used for the little kids and we made a tribe and drew on ourselves and made a mess and took pictures .. that was awesome ! i love u guys !! i was feeling down today untill the end of the day .. im more focused in school ive noticed .. piece of advise this should be your order of thought .. 1. school 2. family 3. social life ...well i was sent to the office with my friends today ((fuking elvis lol)) for my nun skirt being to "small" meaning litterally 2' off the floor what whore bags .. well that was my day .. comment PPLZ !!! love ya muaz 143**
even tho GSS needs money for the school and makes a sudden uniform infractions at random points lol we will make sure that .....
GSS is going to rock this year !!!
sarah !!!!!!!!
naty m!!!!!!!
woot woot
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