25 Unicorn Ct; Saturday Morning, Pre-Picnic [ 08/28 ].

Aug 28, 2010 08:53

Flanked by two men with very jaunty caps and wearing both a traveling cloak and a prosthetic arm, Kūkaku had made her way to the little island where she was to teach and hadn't thought too poorly of it so far. Of course, most of the activity was happening down at the picnic, which might have given her a false perception, but it was quiet, the kind of quiet that seemed to just be begging to be filled with the dulcet tones of something going boom.

As it was, though, the only thing going boom was her fist on the door of 25 Unicorn Ct, which was, apparently, to be her new residence. She gave a quick-fire succession of raps on the door, as if to simulate a firecracker going off, and then stepped back, looking at the place and frowning as she waited.

It just looked so...

...plain. Her mind was already trying to work in ways she could spruce the place up a bit, make it more interesting. For no reason she could explain, she was starting to think perhaps monkeys...

[[ for the new housemate, awwww ]]

25 unicorn ct, home sweet home, kerrigan

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