Okay, Please, anyone PLEASE cut up my multi-access card! I've spent SO MUCH money it's unbelievable.
For fathers day; I bought my dad Coffee from Gloria Jeans $7.90, A Country Road Wallet $75.00 and a Lynx pack $14.95; Oh and wrapping paper + a ribbon bow which was like $10. :D My wrapping skills sux0rz
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so how long u gonna leave the earin's in for?
my mum just got her's pearced even thoguh shes like 50!
anyways beauty of a tank top... its a little cold at the moment aint it :( u get some nipple action in it?
nah its kinda hot afterawhile; but the wind is quite cold!
i will leave the earrings in until my parents kill me, and kill me again to make sure i'm dead.
yeha it was freezzzin tonite with the storm , even i was poping out everywhere - pitty there was only guys round my house and no chicka's
cause i usually have black nails and all, they just dont want me looking like a punk or gangsta lol
you should get one of those "cone" piece earings they look cool :)~
(your parents may die though)
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