online shopping is for geeks.... like moi!

Jul 01, 2004 15:41

I bought this shirt for Richard on ebay yesterday~ It's the bestestestest! :D

It's his birthday in August so I bought that; and yesterday we went to look for PinStripe pants and I ordered Billabong pinstripe pants for him, it's only $90~!!!! I was expecting for it to be like $129038190381901.

Last month I went on a shopping strike and saved $600; this month I am back to being a consumeristic lil piggy. :D I am using my "PIGGY" coin purse to represent that I'm back to buy things! lol

How symbolistic! [Is there such a word? pft!]

I've been addicted to ebay browsing but I've realised there's nothing to buy, I think my next purchase shall be an Insight Jacket or Paul Frank underwear / singlet pjs set.

Oh consumerism, how I loathe you. die!

Richard is going back to work next week, and we were saving up money to go on a shopping spree~ wheeee!
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