May 14, 2008 00:40
is obviously awesome.
let's see... philip lives 2 doors down from the abbey road studio so i get to walk across THE crosswalk every day. which is kinda flippin sweet.
saturday i got in at 1030 am. and basically got about 3 or 4 hours sleep total on the plane. philip said i could shower but not sleep so i did, and then we went to portabello road (notting hill) and walked it about 5 times... not really joking. but it was fun. the stalls were cute and philips friends are all really cool. so then we came back here for dinner and so i could nap, and we ended up getting dinner at the local pub and watching the american office. i napped for about 20 minutes. then we went to picadilly circus and to the clubs with philips friends.
Sunday we were going to do lots of things but philip let me sleep til 130 so we watched the football matches here and then went to church and the young adults group thing. and came back and watched something... i don't remember what we did then...
monday i slept in and hung out with the cats. read a bit. then took the bus down to near where philip works and we walked around for a while; okd bond street, the hotels where celebs are etc. then came back here and made dinner and watched flight of the conchords which is my new favorite show. fucking brilliant.
today i got more adventurous... i booked our room in Bath for thursday night. and i went down to meet philip for lunch. then went all over oxford street, and regent street and then to hyde park. then when philip finished work we went to the Globe and saw King Lear. So Amazing. Made my heart break a little... but it is now up there for favorite shakespeare;s... i mean, it was so well written, but the acting was superb. wow.
so there you have it. that's my first 4 days in london. 4 more days to go. I leave on Sunday =(