longy time.

Nov 19, 2003 21:44

it's been a LONG time since i've posted. but hey what can i say my life is boring. well a lot has happened in the past two weeks. mostly bad things. well they were really bad at first but they're okay now. not completely better, but better. i am jobless. i quit my job finally. it sucked ass. so now i have to go find a new and better job. which seems damn near impossible. but i'm sure i'll find something, just as long as i find it soon. no job means no money, and no money means can't pay phone bill or car payment and that sucks alot.
school is okay. i'm only taking one class this semester so it's not bad at all. but because of somethings that happened over the past two weeks i realized i don't think i wanna be a teacher. i don't know what i wanna do. and i know most of you are like hey your young you have the rest of your life to figure that out. but i've always had some type of plan. it may have changed a lot, but i always had a plan. but i've decided no more plans. i'm just gonna go with the flow. which is a very hard thing for me to do. i don't know i guess i always had a plan for everything cause i was afraid that if i didn't then something bad was gonna happen. but i realized there is no reason driving myself crazy about what i'm gonna do for the rest of my life and trying to plan it perfectly cause bad shit is gonna happen anyway, and there is nothing i can do about it. just deal with it as it comes and fix it if i can and if not just let it go the best i can. i'm not good about letting go and not fixing them, i guess sometimes you just gotta let things be and see where they go. whoa! didn't mean to go all boring on everyone, but i guess i needed to get that off my chest. if you only read half of that i understand. hehe.
ummm nothing is really new. well i dyed my hair red the other day, but thats not that big of a deal considering i dye my hair about every other month. wow my life is really boring. so on that note i will end this. hopefully i'll actually post more this time.
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