May 24, 2004 13:41
So I went to commencement today. It was dark and ominous and cloudy - but it failed to rain, and I guess that is certainly preferable to a downpour. It was crowded and crazy, very hard to see anything from where I was (well, except on the tv monitor). It was all very ceremonial and hoopla-esque. But I mean, it was cute, pretty short (the big one at least - I didn't go to the college ones) and very nice when Levin pronounced each group of people "graduated" (oh and told the poor law students that they WOULD graduate as soon as their finals were done - that was hilarious). It was also cute that the forestry students wore leaves on their caps, and some of the Div School students attached halos to theirs. Hehe. All in all, I liked it a lot. It was weird that there was NO security. We're talking no bag checks, no monitoring, minimal security presence. I was a little sketched out that this woman's Gap tote was about to explode, but then realized I was being paranoid. So yeah.
Now I am at my home sweet home - the med school, working on some difficult, but fulfilling tasks until 5. After that point, I thoroughly intend to purchase some temporary hair dye so that this half brown/half bronze helmet I am currently wearing will at least be temporarily cloaked while it grows into a single colored entity. I'm thinking GREEN. Nah. Probably a boring brown. And then I'm going to have some yummy tortellini dinner and take an LSAT and convince Claudia to watch Pieces of April with me.
Yay. Today is not so bad at all. I am recovering well from the Franciscolessness in that I am now capable of missing him terribly but without the weeping spells and self-pity.
Progress is a blessed thing.