Feb 27, 2008 18:32
Yeah, so here in Athens. Sun burnt and hungry.
Well, not as bad as it sounds, but still my dream has once again fallen into despair. So tragic, uh?
Let me spell it out for you, why Athens sucks. 1st, all the fun buildings and things to play on/in are either shut down by fences or patrolled by whistle happy guards, creating an atmosphere of forbidden appreciation and cattle herd mentality. There is nothing without gates, no structure, cave, stone, or work of ancient theme without its appropriate restriction. Sure, with millions of people all wishing for the same expierence, things do begin to show wear, and with such trespass corrosion is assumed. I understand, but this is ridiculous.
2nd, the homeless dog and cat population is OUT OF CONTROL! One cannot sit a meal outside, or simply read a book without some mangy animal approaching you with its emaciated gleam and infectious aura. Not to mention the bands of dogs accosting you all through the night, either with a suffocating following or a less then friendly chase.
3rd, GREEK PEOPLE ARE SKETCHY. They all either wanna fuck everything that moves, steal your wallet, or sell you their chinese imitation Greek statues at half off. My friend and I were encircled by a band of homeless gypsy children, elbowed by an old man, and approached by countless immigrents and children with ukalelees-? and probably AIDS. This country is poor and everyone is angry. Thats all that needs to be said.
The tourism is the only thing this country has going for it, and so everything is a lie. A decrepit, miserable, squalid, repungent, starving lie. If you have a lot of money to spend and a blindness towards reality I'm sure Greece would be awesome. But if you have any truth permeating your vision, you will soon come to realize that the very air you breath here is impregnated with deception and depravity.
On a side note, its warm. Quite a nice contrast to Berlin. Yesterday, in Delphi we sat out in the sun all day. I finished "Steppenwolf", an amazing book and with a "design your own cover" binding I'm waiting to create with my friend. But not tonight. She wants to spend time with her friend who is studying abroad here, so I'm hoping to meet up with some other kids from the program who are here too. But that dosent seem to be happening, seeing as though our communication is limited to facebook, of which they are not on right now.
Paitently waiting and even hungrier....