May 14, 2005 01:47
If it was my decision then why am i so miserable?
I know deep down that its the right thing to do, i think, but all i want to do is talk to him and be with him when 3 days ago i couldnt wait to get away and felt such a relief when we finally made this decision or should i say i made the decision.
whats wrong with me? why cant i make up my mind? i just wish someone would tell me what is the right thing to do because i cant take this. one minute i cant stand him, i hate him, all i do is talk shit about him then i get rid of him which is what i think i want and what is best and i cant stop thinking about him... What am i doing wrong??
I am so confused. i hate this. i hate my life. i hate him.
what is it about him that does this to me??
i dont know, i just dont know