
Sep 07, 2005 03:36

(and a dedication, if they catch it.)

This first dude...was just...ew.

He came in, and proceeded to get trashed. Utterly.

While I was dancing, he came up to me and took out a dollar. I danced over. He then held the dollar in his mouth. Which is a huge pet peeve of mine, mind.

So I reached out and tweezed the dollar out of his mouth with my fingertips, never once making contact with him.

P=Perv (you'll see why he gets that nickname, in a minute.)

Me=*tweezes dollar from his mouth with my fingertips*
P=*mixed look of shock/indignation* I AM OFFENDED.
Me=Why, because I wouldn't mush my tits on your face to take a dollar out of your mouth?
P=That's how you're SUPPOSED to do it.
Me=...no. If you think I'm putting my tits in biting distance, you're crazy.
P=*tries puppy dog eyes* Come OOOOOOON.
Me=*rolls eyes, does the violin-finger motion*
P=*annoyed look, walks away*

So he stands around the pool table, drinking and such. I finished my set, and went to get changed.

While I was getting changed, he exposed himself to the next girl onstage.


Yep, just whipped it out in a strip club. Wagged it around, even.

What the fuck.

So we told the manager, who promptly did nothing about it.

Later still-the guy comes up to me while I'm sitting at the dancers table.

Me=More bewbs!
P=Still a perv.

P=*shambles up to the table*
Me=*internally groans*
P=*drunkenly proffers his hand to be shaken*
Me=*looks at it with mild disdain*
P=Wha', you won't sh-shake my han'?
P=W-why not?
Me=If you haven't noticed, I'm not terribly fond of you.
P=*shambles off and finally leaves*

Then there were the two confusing guys.

They came in, sat right by the stage, watched the show-but didn't tip. Not a single dollar.

And they expected us to stand there, topless, and talk to them for free.

How about 'no'.

Then there was Grabby McGrabbypants.

I did my set, and went round for tips.

Me=He who cannot hear the music thinks the dancer mad.
GA=Grabby Asshole

Me=*dancedancesmilesmile* Hey there!
GA=Well heeeey there *in what was supposed to be a 'suave' voice, I suspect* *tries to slide his hand around to my ass*
Me=*step turns deftly, continues to dance*
GA=*tries another tactic-takes his dollar and wads it up as small as he can, and holds it between his knuckles for me to take with my boobs o.O*
Me=*holds boobs together, extends fingers to snag the dollar out of his knuckles*
GA=*slightly frustrated, takes another dollar* I wanna put this one in your thong!
Me=Okay! *dances still, holds out the side of the thong for him to put the dollar in*
GA=*tries to slide his hand up my ass*
Me=*I avoid this by undulating to the music so he misses*
GA=*puts the dollar in the thong, tries to run his hand down my ass*
Me=*step turns again, he misses* Thanks! *walks off*

Subtle pwnage is the best.


Thanks to M for coming in and tipping profusely as usual.

Thanks to the old guy for tipping me extra when he saw the two young guys refusing to tip. And thanks for announcing that they were assholes :)

And thanks to the guy by the pool table that tipped well, complimented me on my dancing, and was just generally a good customer.


cheap, grabby, rude, wut, gtfo plz, ewwwwwww

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