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Jan 02, 2008 11:34

I really havent thought of any resolutions. there are a lot of things i need to improve on but i feel like i really need to think about what i should really focus on. usuaLLY i try to be superb and make three or five resolutions but then i just sort of ditch all of them. so my resolution is yet to come..
There are several things i should do like get my finances in order, work on my communication with my friends, workout more ( although when i am at school, i do work out at least 4x a week). SO i really dont know but I do know that some things are going to change big time. I am not going to worry about anyone who is no longer in my life in a positive way. This goes for friends, family, past significant exes and the like. I am tired of digging up the past and trying to evaluate every single situation or person. I have come to realize that it doesnt matter who taught you the lesson or gave you the memory but what you do with it. I am sick and tired of thinking about the whole ex-breakup thing and having people tell me i am not over him b/c i get angry when it comes up in conversation. Umm little news flash.. you can still be angry at someone and be over them.... Anyway that person has no chance with getting back together with me every again so it really does me no good to sit here and dwell on his actions or if he really cared or whatever other stupid things run through my head. Obviously , he is not in my life for a reason and i just need to accept that and move on. its really not worth the time or energy and the past three deaths of those dear to me have shown me that life really is too short to waste time on or with people who dont care. I am really going to try hard and be less judgemental on others but mainl

Being home was really what I needed. It has been awesome to be around my sister, nephews and my friends. Especilly the friends that i dont get to talk to on regular basis, but somehow we still manage to pick up right where we left off and never run out of things to talk about. But i am ready to go back to school. there is only so much of my parents that i can take and i love my sister and my new nephew but dealing with her drama and Carter ( who is about to be 5) can take a toll. You start to realize how much you like quiet and your freedom. Plus I am ready to get this semester over with so that i will only have one left after summer is over. I am not wishing my life away by any means and once i get back to school i will stop to enjoy it since all my friends will be graduating but right now it seems quite far away.

Basically, at the present moment I am quite content with life and excited to see what this semester holds. who i will meet and where i will go and what fun i will have. :)
happy 2008 everybody!!!
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