I went to both shows this weekend. This one and the show at the old Purple Porpoise and now called Gator City club xs on saturday night. Both shows were great even though there were a few miscues. Ashton had to stop the show in the middle of a song last night because while crowd surfing some chic got smacked hard in the head and fell to the ground. They were rushed out but apparently were spotted rocking out at the end of the show. Of course, I was quite upset last night. Ashton, Megan, Mel and I were talking at the end and he told Megan that she did well and that I didn't do so good.... I wish I could write more in this thing but I'm so drained from the emotional up and downs of the weekend. All i want to do is sleep. I don't want to go to work this week at all. I just want to crawl into a hole.
It was nice however seeing Sam Heath both nights, Jen the 2nd night and having Kurzman back. They played Down Under night number two which was great. I loved the energy. Both shows sold out shortly after doors opened. The opening bands weren't even terrible. The first night was Biirdie and Bloom.. Biirdie reminded me of Mates of State. I liked them ok. Bloom had their shit on so loud I was dying and couldn't understand the words but they were entertaining. The second night was Fifth Year Crush and Rev7/spidermonkey. Fifth year crush was good. I thought Rev 7 and Spidermonkey were two separate band and was relieved to find out that they were the same so Big sky could come on sooner. P.S. didn't care much for them....AND they covered two songs that Big Sky was covering that night...ha ha Big Sky did it better... Anyways, I need to sleep and write in my private journal. Figure out if I have any clean scrubs for work tomorrow and tuesday. Oh on the way home from Gville. We saw Kenny (the drummer from Big Sky) on 301....Speed Demon....