Mar 20, 2006 21:28

OK lets just clear something up right here right now for those of you that like to listen to conversations and go tell people things that dont even concern you! Erika n I had a conversation today and someone went and told Jordan that I was obsessed with J! First thats not cool since you dont even know what half the conversation was about since I know the person that told him was NOT Erika! Did you ever think that I was just happy cuz I saw one of my really good friends for the first time in months?? Did that ever cross your mind at all before you went and told Jordan????? Next if I really wanted you all to know something id tell all of you! Plus its none of Jordan's buisness anyway he's not my bf and not anything close to it so I dont know why you would run off and tell him unless you were trying to get him mad at me for some reason. Which if that was your plan I think I should tell you he's not mad at me and could care less. Whoever said that to him idc if you hate me or not i dont go around telling everyone your buisness so dont make it your place to tell people mine! Im not trying to be a bitch but this was a really shitty thing to try and pull on someone and I hope it was none of my friends that did it! If you really want to tell someone something please just come ask me about it before you say something that isnt even close to what it really was. If you didnt see one of your good friends for almost 6 months you would be happy too when you finally did see them! Maybe I just cant say anything around any of you anymore since one of you cant shut out conversations that dont concern you..... :'(
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