SHOCK! HORROR! This week's theme is a day late! D: Sorry about that. This one was chosen by
1anonymous1 The Pin Drabble Thing!
Theme No.14: POOL!
A big thing filled with water! A game with sticks and balls! The gathering of resources together! A load of liquid-y stuff in one place!
ANYTHING GOES! Have fun guys!
"Omg, I am drowning! Please save me, I'm too pretty to die so young!"
Jin's nose twitch. He looks at his best friend, currently drowning dramaticlly in the shallow water.
"But Pi! If I'll save you now, one day you'll get old and your skin'll get wrinkly and you won't have any hair!" Yamapi stop flailing at this, and instead he furrows his eyebrows.
"Are you saying I'm getting old and wrinkly?"
"Yes? …no?"
"PREPARE TO DIE NOW, AKANISHI." Jin chokes and runs around the pool, hitting Ryo in the process. Ryo drops his girly cocktail and glares at Jin, who shrieks, grabs Yamapi's hand and escapes a cocktail-stained-Sexy-Osaka-Man.
And as they run away, hand-in-hand, wet, and probably about to be slaughtered by an osakan midget, Jin realized that this is exactly why he came back.
Well, this and the fact Pi threatened to eat all of the yogurt.
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