My life is changing before my eyes...for worse or better, I don't know

Jul 19, 2007 10:26

So many things have changed for me this summer.

I don’t even know where to start. I guess the logical place would be the beginning of the summer. I was visiting my family up north and talking to grandmother and my cousin and I decided, when talking to them, that I really didn’t want to be a teacher. I don’t want to go into education, especially when the economy is so bad in Michigan and it would be nearly impossible to find a job.

So I was talking to my grandma and cousin and decided that I really want to be a lawyer. I’m still trying to figure out what kind of lawyer, and that’s my biggest problem. I would like to be a defense attorney, only defending innocent people, of course. But my parents really want me to be a prosecutor. But prosecutors have to work a lot harder and make less money than defense attorneys. My parents just want me to have a conscience, I guess.

So that’s one of my problems right now, is trying to decide what kind of law I want to go into, and by the end of this year, I’ll probably change my mind again anyway. And I’m also trying to figure out if there is some sort of environmental rights lawyer, because it would great if I could do something for the environment through my work.

My second big thing is even bigger than trying to decide what kind of lawyer to be.

My parents want to move.

And they don’t even want to move, you know, up north or something. They don’t want to move down the street.

They want to move out west.

Like Oregon.

Right now my dad’s business is going well, he’s making money, paying his bills and such, but in a couple months, when it’s slow again, we’re not going to have any money again and my mom’s going to get depressed again about not being able to pay for the house and so on and I hate the roller-coaster motion of our life.

My dad has been in business for himself since I was young and it has always been like that, one month we can afford everything, my dad even goes a little crazy and buys everyone stuff for no reason. The next month, we’re poor as dirt, can’t afford the house payment. It just sucks, not knowing whether we’re going to get paid or not.

And since my dad’s company is becoming obsolete because there is almost a bank on every corner (he installs bank equiptment), then soon he’s not going to have those ups, but only downs.

That’s why he wants to move. He wants to move out west where there’s jobs and he can work for someone else and bring in a steady paycheck every week. My mom can easily get a job anywhere because she’s a nurse, so that’s not a problem. I mean, I think it would be better for them to move to Oregon. I would stay here for the rest of my time at Central, graduate, and then try to find a law school out there to go to, but For the next three or four years, my parents might be across the country. Along with my sister, who can easily find a job in Therapeutic Recreation out there. I don’t know if I would go out there for the summers, or stay at school at an apartment, or maybe stay with my grandparents, but it’s just so confusing. But after looking around at the state and thinking about how nice it would really be out there, I’ve decided that I do want to go out there after graduation and go to law school out there. Candice and I were even looking at city names and decided that we should move to a city based on its name. Candice said we should move to “Bend,” “It’s short and to the point, I like it,” she said. I liked “Cottage Grove,” I don’t know, it sounded nice and homey.

But my best friends live here. Amber and Kathryn are my very best friends and I would miss them to death if I up and left for Oregon. So, I’m still trying to decide. But I guess either way, I still have until I graduate to decide what I’m going to do for law-school, but by then I might want to be an astronaut.
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