New here and I have a question

Jul 12, 2006 16:13

Hi Boob Allies,

My daughter was born on april 3rd. I wanted very much to breastfeed, but even with the help of the lactation consultants at the hospital we couldn't get our latch. I found out later that much of this was due to some temporary breathing difficulties my daughter was having. In any case, since April I have pumped breastmilk for her. I pumped every 2hrs everyday, and every 3 hrs at night. After more than three months I was about to give up and go to formula when a coworker of my mother's heard about our problems and offered to help. She used to work as an lc but stopped to become an rn fulltime. She worked with us the day before yesterday and after 2 hrs my daughter finall latched for the first time. We are now finally breastfeeding!

The challenge now of course is trying to catch up. I have a three and a half month old, but suddenly everything has changed as if we were starting completely over. I love it, but this is a whole new world. One question I have is about how you all find it easiest to hold/position your baby when you are nursing away from home. We've been using a boppy and she does very well with that. When I try to nurse her without it, she scrambles around and screams. I'm guessing I could always use her diaper bag as a pillow while we are out. How did you ladies do this when your babies were old enough to squirm but still not able to sit up?

Thanks in advance for any advice. I am glad to have stumbled upon this group as I was getting worried that all bfing moms were completely rigid and militant!
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