AwanataOriginally uploaded by
Taquito.KingI loved the way Elba looked, I really did but I always struggled with a personality for her.
And last Saterday I came across Pocahontas dress's with Lara so we thought it would be funny to get them.
I put it on Elba and thought it would look good if I put the black wig on her too. This immediately put an end to Elba as it was the first time I really thought 'thats it, I've found her'
So I present to you Awanata! She comes from Native America where her parents were killed by disease leaving her an orphan. She was adopted into a Native American Tribe where she grew up as one of them.
Unawares she walked through a time loop (or you know whatever your supposed to call it) ending up in modern times.
I've got my eyes on a wig for, when I can get it too!
Anyway sorry about the length of this and hope you like her revise and (probably bit cheesey) back story.
On the plus side I don't need to worry about a wig for Katsu as she has yoinked Elba's.