Jul 23, 2008 14:33
So i've officially run out of lovely index cards to type up, and until they bring me new drawers, I'm getting paid to dick around on the interwebs.
So first! I saw Dark Knight, and I have to say I need to go back on my previous statement -- the running time was too long, but NOT self indulgent. Every second was pretty much pushing the plot along, they just had so much story they needed to get in there. I really liked it though, it was fun, the performances were good (Especially LEdger's... it was awesome! even though some scenes with him were really bizarrely edited, but i think that's because they couldn't go back and re-shoot anything) and it wasn't too CGI heavy on anything, batman wasn't an emo bitch like in batman begins and there was just a lot of badassery. I still think that Iron Man was better in a "Summer blockbuster" sort of way, but Dark Knight was way better as far as actually trying to say something other than "ooo cool, explosions!"
Almost more importantly than Dark Knight were the trailers...the Watchmen trailer came out, and I'm less scared than I thought I would be. I love that book, like L-O-V-E that book and if they fuck it up, i'm just going to be pissed. But It didn't look too actiony- it looked more brooding- the way it should be. Plus Rorschach's costume looked spot on.
So yeah i'm going home this weekend, because i feel like i haven't been home just to see my parents in a while. but I'm coming back to this neck of the woods on Sunday evening to pick Luke's skank ass up from the airport. So then I'll be back to work all next week...and a couple weeks after that school starts! Oh shit, hello responsibilities!
I wish i had a trader joes' with easy access to my apartment. it makes me sad that the closest one is like, a half hour away, and with terrible parking.
but yeah that's it. enough rambling. i'm done.
all for now,