i can't believe i survived last week or i need to kill some time while i finish this popsicle

Apr 27, 2008 16:25

so yeah, i survived last week by some miracle, and this weekend proceeded to get royally fucked up for a couple of days straight...oh college. Anyway, everyone who's anyone is at coachella, and since I'm apparently no one, I spent most of the day cleaning my condo so that when my mom arrives this evening she won't think I'm a terrible excuse for a human being.

wednesday i premiered my movie which i had shot literally less than twenty four hours before it was due, stayed up all night editing and what not. I thought it was a shitty slap-dash piece of crap not fit to be screened, but everyone else seemed to really enjoy it. And I guess i have to take a little bit of credit and say I did do a knock up job on the sound design/editing- something I usually slack off on. I'm working right now on figuring out how to compress my movies so I can post them on you tube. It's harder than you'd think...anyway.

thursday I aced a spanish test. It was a miraculous. I guess god was trying to make up for the fact that I wrote the worst essay of my life for postmodernism on tuesday. after all that madness and all the other mrs/comic book club responsibilities I had, around 9:00 i was finally done with the week, So i proceeded to go see the midnight showing of harold and kumar 2. I can't really review it as I was in no condition to think critically, but there's a scene where harold is a little emo kid in a flashback and i think i laughed for like 15 minutes straight- it's only a one shot thing- but it's amazing. That and NPH made that movie for me. I really want to see it again sober.

I spent most of friday at santa monica/venice with luke looking for a new pipe, and i found one that's absolutely the cutest little pipe ever. very sparkly, able to hide in my hand AND came with a free carrying bag thing. I also got a pair of sweet kids neon pink reflective sunglasses. All in all a very productive trip to santa monica. There was a fabulous amount of partying friday night and i drank beer- which i never do, because i got peer pressured into an obscene amount of flip-cup playing. Almost made another midnight trip to las vegas, but thank goodness didn't.

Saturday I enjoyed a lot of planet earth and use of my purchases from friday....and realized I need a new DVD player, because no universal remote will work for my shitty one and i've lost the remote, so I can only "play all" on all of my dvds. I'm very sick of having to watch the "Caves" episode of planet earth if i want to watch the ice worlds episode that is after that. Goddamn you, cheap ass dvd player. I also went out to riverside saturday night and got to meet daniel's friend edgard that i'd heard so much about and it was nice to hang out with them for a bit.

as for today, my mom is coming in sometime tonight, but I think prior to that luke and I are going to engage in some "El orfanato" watching and scare the shit out of ourselves. Should be FABULOUS.

aaaaand i'm killing time, so a survey:

9 lasts:

Last money spent: coffee and quiznos, surprise surprise.
Last cigarette: friday..i guess technically saturday morning...I ran out friday night.
Last beverage: some tasty tea
Last movie: Harold and Kumar: Escape from Guantanamo Bay
Last phone call: ATT, fuckers.
Last song played: Some Paul Oakenfold song
Last bubble bath: dear god, too long ago.
Last time you cried: When i found out Michal Bay is remaking Rosemary's Baby.
Last thing you ate: a BIG STICK! (yay for sexual innuendo themed frozen treats!)

8 have you evers.

Have you ever dated a best friend: isn't that kinda the point?
Have you ever skinny dipped: yep.
Have you ever kissed somebody and regretted it: yes. Oh alcohol.
Have you ever lost someone you loved: yes.
Have you ever been dumped: Of course.
Have you ever been drunk and threw up: NEVER!
Have you ever ran away: Once when i was really little, but I didn't even make it off the property, I don't think.
Have you ever wanted someone you thought you couldn't have then found out they liked you: yeah, when Edward Norton finally proposed i was just in SUCH shock.

7 countries you've been to.
USA, mexico, USA, USA, USA, USA, Atlanta (a state OR a country, take your pick).

6 things you've done today: (in no particular order...)

took two showers because it's so fucking hot
cleaned my entire condo
mopped my floors
fixed the interwebs
danced to some fat beats
had tea and toast

5 of your favorite things in no order.

Jaime driving me around in her car to fabulous music
Ike when he's being nice and cuddly
Ridiculous sunglasses
making chicken quesadillas
editing title sequences

4 people you can tell [almost] anything to in no order..


3 things that make you smile.

being a dumb girl with jaime
"digital love" by daft punk
smoking cigarettes outside with all the other film kids at a party

2 things you want to do before you die.

see victoria falls
make a film about a rebellion.

1 one thing you can't live with out

my eyes. If i ever go entirely blind, I'm selling all my worldly possessions, moving to argentina and doing every drug imaginable until i inevitably od.

so yeah, I guess that's just a basic update. I'm glad I have internet again (apparently all of south central LA was just without internet for a few days. Thank you, ATT.) and I'm looking forward to my LAST WEEK OF INSTRUCTION next week! Yeah! Also, found out I DON'T have to take summer school (yes!) but that means I need to get a job, pronto. I really want an internship, but I'd have to take a paid one and they're tougher to find than the unpaid ones. so wish me luck.

It's fucking hot here, so I guess i'm going to walk down to the convience store and buy a cold energy drink or something 'cause i'm bored, kinda groggy, and thirsty.

all for now,

survey, lame, drugs, babbling, last week, od

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