a fairly breif update on where the hell i've been or skeevy truckstops

Mar 12, 2007 18:18

I'm in Davis, and I must say, Davis is rather flat. I've never noticed that before, but today we went driving in the Napaish area, and with the contrast of napa's beautiful green hills I realized, holy hell, davis is one flat town. Perhaps that's why they all ride bikes...there's no hills to worry about.

my trip up here was agonizingly long. Normally i drive 80-90 mph, and the first half of my trip started that way...but i had allotted too much time for that nonsense, and to pick sean up from class on time I was going to have to drive like 60 the rest of the way. So it took me 6 hours instead of the 5 or less i wanted it to take me... and i made a realization....truck stops just might be worse than construction sites as far as getting "honked" or "hollered" at goes.

if you don't know my woes about getting honked and hollered at, i'll probably explode one day and tell you all about them, but i REALLY REALLY hate getting cat-calls. and, unfortunately, it happens all the time in the skeevy ass neighborhood i live in. but, I was stopped at a truck stop on the way up, and in the time it took me to get from my car, buy some altoids and water, and walk back to my car, i got hollered at THREE times, got TWO honks and FOUR not so-subtle boob stares. granted, I guess i shouldn't have been wearing such a low-cut shirt, but, it was shitty. I hate truck stops.

so yes, i miss everyone in LA, although i did get to see the only mexican i'll ever have sex with, td, and had a gay ol time with her. plus, sean has been making me dinner like every night, and having someone cook for you is quite wonderful.

oh, and I saw the 300...btw, probably one of the most beautiful movies i have ever seen. I mean, i strive for those kind of colors in my photography, but to have every fucking frame that stunning in a movie? i'm in awe. plus there was a lot of wondrous violence and shouting and "you can do it" sentiment. and sometimes you just need that in a movie!

so yes, i've gone on a few adventures so far, and i'll have pictures up tomorrow, because sean has class and i'll be sitting at his apartment alone, bored. right now i'm just chilling because he's working on an essay.

i really miss everyone in the southern part of this state. I'll be back soon and i'll need people to play dead in my next photo project ((it's about a crime scene photographer, and has pictures of him, and pictures he takes at crime scenes. oooo how self-reflexive am i?)jaime's oding on coke, jessee's slitting her wrists in the tub, bryan's the photographer and i need two detectives, one mourning person, party goers, and someone to drown in a pool)and i need to hang out with everyone again. i miss just chillin with all my homies, but soon, we will again...

plus i get out in the end of april and i'm gonna be bugging all the rest of y'all who are still in school constantly. pretty much prepare for me living on your couch for at least a week after school's up. especially riversidians. just because you're an hour away doesn't mean you're safe from my wrath.

all for now

davis, truck stops

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