Jul 17, 2005 16:14
i made up my mind today... FINALLY!!! yea i know, we have all been waiting for that moment forever... so, i'm gonna go back to school... i decided thats what i want to do, b/c i want to get my diploma and go to nursing school... i don't give a flyin f**k if i will be a junior again... it's my own stupid choise, b/c i dropped out... at least i'm going back, and getting my shit done... so if anyone talks shit to me, i will just tell them to F**K OFF... and go about my business... i'm gonna keep up my grades like i was doing at caney creek... and i'm even gonna try to have perfect attendence... i said TRY... lol... and all of you that are exicted... YEA YEA YEA!!!!! lol... the ones that are like "oh f**k, i get to deal with misti again, great"... i got news for you.... GET OVER IT!!!!!!!! haha... we are gonna have a fun year guys!!! registration is on the 26th... so i will see some of ya'll there!!!