... really, I am. I just looked at some photos of snowboarding slopes from the top, you know, as if you're about to whizz your way down. They're long, slopey and steep, and some of them have trees on them. Some of them are narrow and there are edges. It's at this point I'm forced to remind myself that sometimes I'm a little bit clumsy, and quite easily distracted... it's only going to take one cat nonchalantly walking across the snow* to attract my attention and I'll be singing the Kitty song and waving at it, not looking where I'm going. Why I feel the need to continually test my mortality in these stupid ways is beyond me. Nevertheless, it promises to be entertaining, and there are 12 bars at the bottom. Yes, 12 bars, that will sell magic things, like courage potions and warmth tonics in pretty bottles. And just think of all the snow angels I can make...
*I've been reliably informed that this might be quite unlikely.
I couldn't really think of 20 childhood memories, so I've done 10, just to leap onto the bandwagon and not be left alone...
1. Squirting toothpaste all around the bathroom walls to see how far it would go. I was taking a very concentrated and logical approach. And then I got told off.
2. Hiding under a bridge in a hamlet called Bere Ferrers with someone else's dog called Monty, at 3am in the morning, whilst policeman were about looking for whoever stole that boat...
3. Winning an art competition and being on Tel-O-Vision in my school uniform. How very embarrassing. I got to meet the local weatherman though, who I thought appeared decidedly orange.
4. Being in hospital. It didn't hurt at all, but a couple of kids in my ward died which was a bit wierd, because for ages I thought I was there to die, but then I left and kept going back, and everytime I went I got presents. I remember being decidedly annoyed that for a while I got Sindy dolls and Barbie dolls, and all I wanted was these really cool coloured pencils that were different colours at each end, and a rainbow crayon. Which means that number five is...
5.... getting my first rainbow crayon. I loved it. It made me happy and made everything look pretty, I thought it was one of the most amazing things I'd ever seen. As for my double-ended coloured pencils, I managed to still have one left until a couple of years ago, which I kept in my bedside table, it was about an inch long by then, and was orange on one end and green on the other. I've lost it now though. I'm tempted to put a sad emoticon: :(
6. Collecting eggs. From stinky, but friendly chickens.
7. Pouring a bottle of Chanel No.5 down the toilet. My mum was not amused.
8. Going to my first school disco at primary school. I hated it, and I thought I was the rubbish-est person there, so I sat in the corner with my paper cup of weak orange squash and a lollypop and watched everyone dancing knowing that if I could just make it through until the end of the night, I'd get to read a book when I got home.
9. A boy in my class, whom I quite liked (again at primary school), asked me out. And so I said yes. And then he said that he only did it for 2p. That's right 2p. What an ass-hole! I don't care if he was only 7 - 2p??!!! If I ever see Daniel Goddard again, I'm going to make him eat a whole bunch of 2 pence pieces! That made me cry for a week and I couldn't even tell anyone about how sad I was because they were all too busy laughing at me. Another sad emoticon I think: :( followed by a shaking fist.
10. My Mum made me the coolest birthday cake in the world. I loved that cake, my Mum always makes the best cakes. And now, even though I am reportedly a 'grown up', I get little cakes in little flowery paper cases with sprinkles on.
Time to go and find my hotel... goodnight!
I love you all as big as the sky :) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx