May 27, 2006 23:16
NEWSFLASH: I am now a working woman!
Just started at the movie theatre on thursday. That first day was brutal. Got there at 3, clocked in at 4:30, got trained in box but royally messed that up so they put me in concessions, got one 45 minute break, clocked out at 1:00am (thanks to the midnight showing of X-men). I should have known that the day was going to be bad when one of the first things the manager said to me was "i gave you tomorrow off to recover". I don't take hints very well lol. And i fully needed that day off! I got home at 2 cuz i missed the exit coming home and took the long way. Finally i got to sleep. I woke up the next morning feeling like i had gotten hit by a bus, feeling worse than i did every morning in Mississippi COMBINED! I lived though and I felt much better this morning till I missed my exit going to work and wound up taking a 12 mile scenic detour. Thankfully, I was one of the first people there even though i was late. Today when a LOT better. Everything kinda clicked and I did 10 times better in concession (which i worked from 11-6 with no down time except when i just walked away to go on my 45 min break lol). The day didn't drag either... probably because i was kept busy.
SUMMARY: I'm making money and that is all that matters lol.