Jan 04, 2005 22:29
I rode on a ferry (I do believe in fairies, I do, I do) for the first time across the bay today. And I saw wild dolphins. The championship game was a slaughter. Atari rules. X box sucks because my little nephews can beat me at football. Why does the guy that broke up with you want to call you every few days after not calling for 9 monthes? "Just seeing what you are up to" What the crap does that translate to? But this funny book my sista gave to me makes another point "Just remember that the person trying to get back together with you is the same person who, not long before, looked you in your beautiful (or handsome) face, took full stock of you and all your qualities, and told you that he (or she) was no longer in need of your company." or maybe this one "He's sniffing around for something better, and when he doesn't find it, he gets lonely and comes "home"". I dunno, I am not gonna try to know. The best part though is when he starts tellin me about the new girlfriend...does it really sound like I care? After basically being told I am not good enough, and getting over this dude, how can I really be good friends with him and care about that stuff. But I am still gonna be nice and try to be friends, cuz thats just who I am, a retard...haha, not really. Man, I am glad I am on a break. "friends before boyfriends" or however the saying goes...rrrright. So enough about that, I fly home tomorrow. Back to L.A....can't wait. Hope my limo will be waiting....