May 27, 2010 07:48
It's thursday! The week is almost over! <3 I have to take Alayna to work and then I can come back home and crawl into bed and sleep somemore. I'm like sereously exausted, and there isn't really any reason. I got home 'bout 11ish and went to bed some time around then...while I didn't just fall into bed asleep I didn't lay awake staring at the celing wishing I could sleep (that was tuesday night...). I woke up once during the night and then this morning, but I didn't reeeeely feel anymore rested. Ugg, maybe today will be better...
I get to babysit, which will be awesome!!! <3 I love the girls and getting to hang out with them. I'm less of a baby sitter then a combination entertainer and making sure the house doesn't spontaneously combust...but hey, where else do you get paied to watch telly and chat. I do hope that I can babysit for them some on weekends. It'd be a nice fluff to my income and great for school next year.
Well that's all I is rather borring now, but I'm happy Kelli's back. Last night we went out to Murphy's and then she wanted to try a fishbowl, so we went to FireHaus and got one! It was tasty, but I don't think I reacted well to it...either that or it was outside I didn't react well to...oh well. I think I might call and see what alcohols is put into it and try to avoid those for a bit.
Well I gotta run! <3