Feb 11, 2009 09:18
I have no joke, been in every single one of the following scenarios. Yes, guys are seriously this sleazy. I'll probably add more to this as I go.
1.Wearing a skirt does not mean I'm a hooker! Don't address me like I am one with degrading pick-up lines such as "Nice Legs, what time do they open?
2. You see that I'm all dressed up, don't I look out of your league? Probably because I am, why bother trying?
3. If you grab at my arm and say something like, "come here, sexy, I want to talk at you," I will assume you are trying to get between my legs and take appropriate action. Appropriate action may include, but not be limited to running down the street screaming "Rape!" and the top of my lungs. If a cop happens to come by and question you, don't be saying there was just a misunderstanding. Rape or not, you did just sexually harass me, and since you did lay a hand on me, I could probably get you charged for assault.
4. If I have my headphones on, don't get offended if I ignore you. That is a tell-tale sign that I DO NOT want to talk to you and it's not my fault if you are too stupid to ignore it.
5. If I don't speak English don't think that if you keep repeating yourself or start speaking louder I'm going to suddenly understand you. I do understand you, but I'm not the one making you look like an idiot.
6. Jumping in the middle of my path will likely get my attention, but don't act offended if I'm pissed off. I'm on time constraints, and you getting in my way may be just enough time for me to miss the cross sign that would have gotten me safely on my bus.
7. Don't think telling me that you would like to take me out for a seafood dinner is going to impress me. This is the northwest. Seafood isn't that hard to find in a not-that-fancy restaurant.
8. If I respond to you asking for my name with a "Does it matter?" don't get offended and tell me you "just wanted to say hello." If that were the case you would have just said "Hi" and walked on.
9. Chasing after me because, "I'm just so beautiful you had to speak to me," may sound like a compliment to you but in girl language it's, "I'm a creepy stalker desperate for attention." Don't try it.
10. If I see you on the street begging for cash why come up to me and ask to take me out? You can't even afford the dollar menu at McDonald's!
11. I'm dressed up and carrying shopping bags it's not because I'm homeless, it's because I've likely been SHOPPING. Don't think I'm dumb enough to fall for the "need a place to stay?" line.
12. You first question to me is "Do you have a boyfriend?" followed by, "You want to go out sometime?" and you get all whiny and babyish because I said no?! Ever thought that it might be a good idea to at least know my name first? I'd still say no, but at least you were polite enough to ask for my name before my number.
13. If you ask for a ride and I tell you no, the dumbest thing that could pop out of your mouth is, "I'm not a molester or anything." It's common knowledge that that is the oath of the molester. You put one hand on the Bible, the other down your pants, and say exactly that. I'm pretty sure there are youtube videos of it.