fic ranting amnesty

Aug 09, 2009 01:59

Okay, so these days, I have very little real life stuff to post, and mostly I just want to rant about bad fics I find online. Granted, there is fanficrants as well as other ranting communities, but they have rules and much wangst. So instead, I'm just going to leave this post up as an amnesty thread for whatever fanfic rants you lovely f-listers feel like ranting about.

No rules! Spork the fic! Post the link! Caps lock away! Call the writer names that you wouldn't care utter in a community! (Just don't make me have to horizontal-scroll to view the entry.) I'll start.

Rant the first - Spoiler warnings
This is an old rant, but I feel the need to bring it up again because someone did this AGAIN JUST TODAY, so here goes. ::clears throat::

Dear Author:
When you post a spoiler warning for "the existence of" a certain character, I would just like to point that you've spoiled it by the very act of warning for it. So thanks for nothing.
No love,

And hell, while I'm at it, why limit this to fanfics at all? Let's rant about all things fannish. For example:

Rant the second - Fanmixes
What in the bloody nine circles of hell is 'N Sync doing in a Supernatural fanmix?! SPN is a show that showcases scary monsters, muscle cars, MacGuyvered demon-killing weapons, and '80s mullet rock. There's a lot of unresolved googly-eyes in season four, but that does NOT give you the right to stick any tweeny-bopping song about unrequited love into a fanmix just because there are some thematic overlaps! I don't care how much Justin brings sexy back, he sounds like a prepubescent girl. And you, fangirl, FAIL.

Okay. Now that's out of my system, BOMBS AWAY...
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