A new number!

Mar 13, 2008 09:55

I saw a new number on my scale this morning! Now, that first number is always the same and the last number is always changing. It's that middle number I keep an eyeball on and this morning it went from a 9 to an 8! That's encouraging.

I'm again toying with the idea of going vegetarian. How many times have I gone there and back? I lose count... Maybe what I should do is go mostly veg. Eating meat only rarely and/or when I can't avoid it. Skip the label and the frustration that can go with it and just eat as little meat as possible? That's probably the thing to do.

Tonight tho... tonight I am cooking this organic garlic chicken sausage I found. I bought some teeny tiny little yellow potatoes and I am going to saute them with some onion and the sausage and mmmmm. I'll probably saute them in chicken broth, so not to worry about oil. I'll have to measure out my taters and the sausage but it will be so good. And you know what? I just realized we have a school meeting tonight so we'll probably end up going to Chik-Fil-A. Oh well, it'll be sooo good tomorrow! LOL And good thing I thought ahead because now I can look up the menu and decide what to order ahead of time!
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