
Mar 05, 2008 17:09

Ah hell nah, I am not maintaining after a loss. I'm simply maintaining. I guess it's some small consolation that I still weigh the same as I did when last I posted. O_o I decided today to get back to work. I have a plan of action in mind. I shan't be starting this week because quite frankly, the groceries have been bought and they need to be eaten. Not to worry, part of the reason I maintain is that I do indeed eat reasonably well. Meals are low in fat, most of it is organic. So it's not like I have a house full of junk that must be consumed. It's just that I splurge often enough that I am not losing.

So I thought I'd blog again. I went through my profile and removed friends and communities that were inactive and/or no longer appealed to me. I changed my interests to reflect a different mindset and I changed the layout and icons just because. :)

I make no promises. We all know how the weight loss game goes. I could swear (again) that this time will be different but the proof is in the doing. So let's see how I do.
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