Apr 23, 2007 14:50

So what I am trying to do this time is eat in such a way that I lose weight (obviously) without feeling overly deprived which will just lead to binging which gets me nowhere. I'm reading Skinny Bitch and they advocate full-on veganism. Uh yeah. Some vegetarians find it quite difficult to go vegan, that's not a lifestyle change most people can just switch over to. But I am trying to do the best I can. I am eliminating meat and obvious sources of dairy. No milk but I am not going to scour my crackers for a trace of whey either. No eggs but again, I'm not going to care if they're in a baked good. I am not eliminating anything else but trying to cut way back on "bad things" like sugar and processed foods. I'm not even going to pretend to call myself a vegetarian until I see whether this sticks or not. I am trying to keep my intake low but if I get hungry I am going to eat. It's better I think to have a banana or a bowl of oatmeal when I am starving than to keep holding out until I crack and tear into a bag of cookies. I'm not counting calories or fat grams or carbs but I want to get on a schedule of eating every 3 hours or so.
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