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Jan 27, 2005 12:39

heY welL righT noW iS noT A verY gooD timE foR mE, likE foR thE likE pasT weeK I havE noT beeN iN thE besT mooD eveR! sO sorrY iF I havE snappeD oN yA! keviN finallY calleD mE buT haD somE baD newS wheN hE diD ... i guesS hE iS oN housE arresT anD i canT seE him ...yA woW huH? prettY upseT witH thaT holE thinG causE a loT oF mY planS goT scrudE oveR, likE theN hE canT gO tO mY schooL dancE thaT everyonE iS bringinG theiR boI friendS... o0o anD tO toP iT alL ofF i havE beeN waitinG tO gO tO thE faiR witH hiM anD iF hE getS oN thiS holE housE arresT thinG theN hE canT gO! EeeRrrR sO aggravatinG! welL i aM goinG ouT tonighT witH michellE anD justyN foR heR birthdaY! waooO! 15! permiT anD theN onE yeaR iN countinG foR thE licensE! buT yeA hopefullY iT wilL takE mY minD ofF oF stufF! theN tomorroW worK anD thE faiR bY myselF anD michellE anD heR guY tayloR! fuN fuN. i wilL probablY posT sundaY iF i havE timE! xO xO hugS anD kiss'S oX oX
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