Jun 02, 2009 20:15
Let me see what's happened since October of 2007...
Took a job with my brother-in-law.
Business trip to Albuquerque for said job.
Packed up to move for my job to North Carolina.
Had to put down my dog.
Got engaged.
Realized my new location was the stompming grounds of a serial rapist.
Moved again.
Painted the inside of a house.
Learned I hate mowing.
Chased a loose cow and some goats.
Got unengaged.
Cow died (which was a good thing, trust me).*
Helped raise some chicks and polts.
Chicks and polts were brutally murdered by a dog.*
EDIT: (I forgot this one. It's a biggie.) Got a car.
Had to get an hourly job.
Lost job with brother-in-law.
Had to start paying rent.
Learned to save money by dressing in layers and only keeping the heat high enough to prevent the pipes from freezing.
Sister and Sister-in-law had baby girls.
Had to pay "The Man" more money than I made in a full year working at Borders.
Learned to save money by keeping the a/c at a "comfortable" 80F.
Got another job.
Applied for a career.
Had a random visit from a friend who lives in Tampa but just randomly happened to be in North Carolina. ("I was in GA and just kept driving and the next thing I knew I was in NC.")
Doesn't seem like much for a year and a half, does it?
*There's more to this story, but... meh.