Bad Ways to Start Your Summer:
- Stop running the day after your last track meet
- Go for a 2-mile run when the last time you ran over a 400 was October, have your muscles sieze up, and not be able to move for 3 days and turn you off to any more physical activity
- Go to buttloads of graduation parties and eat and eat and then eat some more... and drink lots of soda
- Go on vacation with all your friends and eat and eat and eat some more... and drink lots of soda
- Come home, and have a mole removed the day after, requiring stitches and preventing you from doing any physical activity for 2 weeks
- Sit on the couch and actually wish you could go for a run, but instead watch shitty reality television and movies on WE... and eat
Things I've Done This Summer:
I. feel. gross. However, thanks to the 6+ hour Project Runway marathon from tonight, I am physically incapable of watching television for at least a week. I'm going to have to find another activity to keep me occupied in my time of unwanted inactivity.