Sep 24, 2006 11:17
This morning has been perhaps the shittiest Sunday morning on record. I had to get up at 6:30 for a 7am driving appointment (ughhhhhh), and then missed out on eating pancakes for breakfast because I didn't think anyone was awake and so I had a Pop Tart instead. Then I get into the Y and it's wicked humid in here, and the mouse won't work. Chris offers to go to CVS and buy batteries, and I put the new ones in and it still won't work, so I make sure everything is plugged in and then I reboot the computer, and it STILL WON'T WORK (!!!!Death to technology!!!!). So I spent the first 2 hours of this morning ALT+TABing, trying to get stuff to work, until Chris came up and pressed the "reset" button on the bottom of the mouse and now it's working perfectly.
Ugh. I hate Sundays.