Dec 04, 2009 22:06
Caught a few minutes of the highlights of the Montreal Canadiens pre-game ceremony stuff for their centennial game tonight, and thought, gee, that guy in a jersey speaking French looks freakishly like Viggo Mortensen. Happened to check the intertubes, and yep, that was Viggo. Who, according to his Wikipedia page, speaks English, Danish and Spanish fluently, and is "reasonably conversant" in French, Norwegian, Swedish and Catalan. Also, in case you've forgotten, he's an actor, poet and writer, photographer, painter, rides horses and swordfights like a pro, and in his free time volunteers for various political and humanitarian causes. And, from all reports, is ridiculously nice to his fans, has a great kid, and an excellent relationship with his ex-wife.
I think it's possible that he's an alien.
(Oh, and also, before he decided to become an actor he was a truck driver in Denmark, which may add to his appeal only for me.)