A Box of Cocks

Dec 12, 2011 13:23

I don’t watch pro (American) football as much as sometimes end up adjacent to it, because my sweetie watches it occasionally (not religiously, thank fsm). I usually try to reserve my real hatred for things that truly deserve it, or could be redeemed by my and others’ intervention. Football qualifies in neither case, but it still consistently stirs up indignation and rage whenever I encounter it. (College football needs to restructure itself because a billion dollar sport can’t really have true “student athletes”, as is evidenced by all the scandals recently, but that’s another post.)

Take icing the kicker. There was an incident of it in the game on last night that ended up changing the outcome of the game (first non-counting kick went through, second was blocked). There’s no way around it for me - a sport where icing the kicker is legal and encouraged is a shitty game. It’s basically pulling a Charlie Brown on your opponent, thumbing your nose at him and hoping he biffs it the next time. It’s assholish behavior and I see no other way to categorize it. And every time I see it it makes me hate football more (and yell “box of cocks” at the screen as I did last night, thus the post title).

Anyway. This post is actually me procrastinating from the transcription and edits I need to get done by Wednesday. Man, it is gloomy and rainy and I don’t know what I want for lunch. My first-world problems, let me show you them.

[ETA: lordy, Fraser's innocent face next to the post title is cracking my shit right up.]

This entry was originally posted at http://bonspiel.dreamwidth.org/19216.html.
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