I was all ready to post about the seeming decline of J2 fandom, but then I ran across some great new fics that deserve to be recced:
Unfolding by
octoberxsong The Ones That Can Swallow You Whole by
embroiderama History is Written by the Victor by
lady_krystal_79 (haven’t finished it yet but it’s promising so far)
[authors, I owe you comments still, but I wanted to rec while I was thinking about it]
I still suspect that J2 fandom is beginning its inevitable slow-down, what with both boys being married now and the end of the series nigh. Kripke's already gone, and the cons have calmed down a lot from what I've heard. I suspect that this year's bigbang will be the last big one, J2-wise.
I've only been in FP fandoms before, and there's a different feel to them as they wind down - there is a real shift when you go from open canon, a show being on, to closed canon. But somehow you can still go back in time, write fic set in a particular past moment, while that doesn't seem to work as well with RP. Perhaps because the 'canon' involved is so ephemeral? Or based on a particular interpretation of the meta source text which can fade without continual reinforcement with said ephemera?
I’ve got this whole file of half-baked or half-written fic ideas - some SPN and dS, but mostly J2 - that I really should look at, decide what’s finishable, and get it done before everyone runs away to a shiny new fandom. *clings to you all*