I'm flabbergasted by what has happened with my passport renewal situation. I put all the paperwork in the mail a week ago, on Wednesday, and settled in for the long wait. Two or three months for processing time, that's what I was told by the passport and licensing bureau.
This afternoon, I checked the mail where, lo and behold, there was my new passport! Woooooooow. That's just seven working days from mailbox to mailbox. I don't think I've ever before seen such government efficiency as this!
Well, being one who believes that nothing happens completely by chance, I am wonder what unexpected traveling is in the wings for me. Am I going to walk into work on Monday and be asked to get on a plane to the Ukraine, Switzerland, or Tonga? Boy, I sure hope that's the case ... that the trip is funded by work ... rather than me having to personally make an international trip. I don't know how I would afford that, really. (Maybe with the 0% APR Visa checks that arrived in the mail along with the passport today?)
My brother is in Canada right now. I am going to step up the prayers for his safety so that there's no need for me to fly there because of some horrible accident he might be in. No accident, no accident. Happy thoughts.