Apr 17, 2008 00:29
My work team wrapped up several days of meetings this morning with a farewell -- err -- celebration? -- for our former director who's moving on to bigger things. My favorite thing was a portion of the get-together when he went around the room naming each team member and telling 1) how they met, 2) why that person were hired, 3) embarrassing and silly stories of their travels together, and 4) significant contributions that person has made to the team over the years. This was especially touching, and I'm sure that I would have used a box of Kleenex if I was the crying type.
Bailey spoke about me last, as the newest member of the team. I've been with CrossRoads for three months now, and very little has been as I expected. Anyway, he mentioned that the thing that made me stand out from the other candidates for the position is that I did my homework and came to the interviews prepared. "Bonni knew more about CrossRoads than some of you guys!" he told the group. Additionally, I'd learned a little bit about each of the people on the team and addressed my interviewers by name.
It was amazing to hear him saying that. We all know that we're supposed to prepare for interviews as thoroughly as we can, but I at least sometimes doubt whether that preparation is indeed effective. Joyfully, I can now say that the answer is yes!
Another highlight of this gathering is that, for the first time since I've worked at CrossRoads, all sixteen team members were in the same place at the same time! We should have taken a picture, 'else nobody will believe us if we tell them. Also, I met three of our ladies who work from home, and they are lovely, lovely people.
I'm almost done writing! Or if I'm not, I need to be; it's way past my bedtime.
Something that Bailey said is that people who are drawn to work at CrossRoads tend to have four desires: 1) going to the people, 2) sharing the Gospel, 3) healing the sick, and 4) showing compassion. Yes, this is me! I do fit with the team! It was great to hear these points articulated.
Ahh, now I'm done. Bye!